Secondments of UVSQ and CNR to UFC started
The secondments from UVSQ and CNR to UFC started! Mohammad Abboud from UVSQ, Beatrice Rapisarda and Chiara Renso from CNR arrived in Fortaleza for their secondment at Federal University of Ceará hosted by Prof. Jose Antonio de Macedo.

Secondment of CNR to UFC
During the month of April the CNR secondee Francesco Lettich visited our partner Jose de Macedo at the Federal University of Ceará in Brazil for executing a one month secondment. The research work of Francesco focussed on WP4 and specifically on external sensor trajectories (ESTs), i.e. sparse trajectories collected through the observations of a sensor network deployed within some urban area. One particular issue is the need to enrich ESTs with further features, as this has the potential to substantially improve the accuracy of predictive techniques. In this context the CNR staff can offer its expertise in the semantic enrichment domain, with the integration of existing techniques or the introduction of novel ones.

Prof. Matwin from DAL is at CNR in Pisa
Prof. Stan Matwin from DAL is now at CNR in Pisa. we see Stan with Vinicius Monteiro de Lira and Emanuele Carlini discussing their joint MASTER research activities on AIS data.

Secondment of Prof. Kofidis (UPRC) at Dalhousie University
Prof. Kofidis from University of Piraeus (Greece) executed his secondment to Dalhousie University in Canada during the month of February 2020. The research topic of prof. Kofidis is the application of multi-way arrays (aka tensors) and their (coupled) decomposition to holistic trajectories. These models have been recently shown to outperform more conventional models and methods, and result in highly effective tools for applications such as recommendation and prediction.

Prof. Mello from UFSC visiting Harokopio
Prof. Ronaldo Mello from Federal University of Santa Catarina is visiting Harokopio University in Athens. They are working hard in defining extensions to the MASTER conceptual model extensions for data analytics. We see in the picture Christos Sardianos, Antonios Makris, Ronaldo Mello, Iraklis Varlamis, Yannis Kontopoulos, Konstantinos Tserpes.

Secondment of CNR researcher Vinicius Monteiro de Lira started at UFC
Vinicius Monteiro de Lira from CNR has started his secondment to Federal University of Ceara (Brazil) hosted by Prof. Jose Fernandes de Macedo and his group InsightLab. His research work foscussed on graph analysis for trajectory data.

Secondments of UPRC to PUC has started!
Three early stage researchers from University of Piraeus started their secondments to Pontificial University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, hosted by Prof. Casanova and lasting one month. We can see on the picture John Nikos and Mario together with Chiara Renso (CNR) at PUC.