Mid Term Meeting in Versailles
On February 24th we have held the third internal meeting of MASTER hosted by Karine Zeitouni of UVSQ in Versailles. During the meeting we have discussed the current project issues, deadline of deliverables and secondment plans. Some Early Stage Researchers have presented their research work.

Second MASTER workshop in Venice
On May 13th 2022 we held the Second MASTER workshop. The event has been organised by our partner Ca' Foscari University of Venice by Alessandra Raffaetà in the room Aula Magna Silvio Trentin at Ca’ Dolfin, in the historical centre of Venice. The workshop program is available at Second MASTER Workshop. The title of the workshop was “MASTER meets Mobility Industries” where the objective was to find links with the industrial world of mobility. Companies ACTV Venice, BusForFun and Mindicity kindly accepted to give a presentation, introduce their companies, the data they manage, and the analysis problems they are facing. In addition, we invited two European projects related to mobility data, MOBIDATALAB (Thierry Chevalier from AKKA, France) and VesselAI (Spiros Mouzakitis from NTUA, Greece). MASTER Partners – Chiara Renso from CNR, Alessandra Raffaetà and Giulia Rovinelli from…

Big Mobility Data Analytics
The fourth edition of the International workshop on Big Mobility Data Analytics has been held on March 23, 2021 in a fully online edition. The event included an interesting invited talk by Prof. Kristian Torp from University of Aalborg (Denmark) with title "Using Large Trajectory Dataset for Quantifying Mobility". The program included 9 papers of which 6 are long research papers and 3 demos. The event has seen the participation of of 35 attendees. MASTER participated having partners CNR and UPRC as organisers and one paper was the result of a MASTER activity between UNIVE and DAL: Multiple aspect trajectories: a case study on fishing vessels in the Northern Adriatic sea Giulia Rovinelli (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy), Stan Matwin (Dalhousie University, Canada), Fabio Pranovi, Elisabetta Russo, Claudio Silvestri, Marta…

MASTER conceptual model presented at the Italian Database Conference SEBD 2020
The MASTER conceptual model developed by UFSC and CNR has been presented at the Italian Database conference, SEBD2020, which has been held virtually from June 21 to June 24, 2020. Chiara Renso (CNR) presented the paper to an audience of about 35 attendees. Link to SEBD program is here: https://sebd2020.unica.it/program MASTER has also been included in the research projects in the SEBD web site: https://sebd2020.unica.it/projects

Prof Mello from UFSC visits research group in Piraeus!
Prof. Ronaldo Mello from UFSC is visiting Prof. Yannis Theodoridis and Prof. Nikos Pelekis from University of Piraeus (Greece). They discussed how to extend the MASTER conceptual model. In the picture we see Ronaldo, Yannis and Nikos from left to right.

Prof. Mello from UFSC visiting Harokopio
Prof. Ronaldo Mello from Federal University of Santa Catarina is visiting Harokopio University in Athens. They are working hard in defining extensions to the MASTER conceptual model extensions for data analytics. We see in the picture Christos Sardianos, Antonios Makris, Ronaldo Mello, Iraklis Varlamis, Yannis Kontopoulos, Konstantinos Tserpes.

Summer School on Data Science for Mobility
FIRST INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ONDATA SCIENCE FOR MOBILITYApril 27 - May 1, 2020Kastelli Resort, Kamari Village,Santorini, Greece http://master-school.isti.cnr.it **** REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN **** Massive amounts of spatio-temporal data representing trajectories of moving objects are produced by an ever-increasing number of diverse, real-life applications, ranging from mobile to social media apps and surveillance systems, from vehicle tracking systems to IoT mobile sensors. Such mobility-aware traces come in huge numbers and very complex forms, and can be enriched with multiple different semantic dimensions. These semantically enriched trajectories have the potential to unveil novel challenges in several domains, such as urban, maritime and aviation. The explosion in Data Science is happening now. The Big Data technological infrastructure has reached maturity. Significant interest from the research community is being shown towards the Big Data Value Analytics…

First MASTER PRINT Workshop held at UFSC
The First MASTER - PRINT workshop has been held at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Brazil. The PRINT project is an internationalisation project ongoing at UFSC that has several intersections with MASTER topics and partnerships. We took the opportunity to have 5 secondments at UFSC (3 from CNR and 2 from HUA) to meet altogether with local researchers and share experiences and results to drive our next collaborations. The workshop took two days, the 11 and 12 of November 2019. You can find the program and the slides here.

First Joint MASTER-CAPES/Print Workshop
The first MASTER/Print Workshop aims at bringing together researchers that take part in the MASTER or CAPES/Print project, or people interested in the efficient management and analysis of spatio-temporal or sequential data, which is the focus of both research projects.The workshop program comprises three keynote speakers and several talks, which are detailed in the following. Each talk has one hour duration: 40 minutes for presentation and 20minutes for round table discussion.