Second MASTER Workshop
May 13 2022
Venice, Italy
Photo Gallery: Aula Trentin Università Ca’Foscari, Venice
The second MASTER workshop will be held at University Ca’ Foscari in Venice on May 13, 2022 in the sixteenth-century Aula Trentìn.
The objective of this workshop is to strengthen the networking with the non academic sector and specifically to industries on mobility data.
We will have an industrial session with AKKA, Vessels AI, ACTV Venice, BusForFun and Mindicity. The project will present some highlights of the recent research results that could be of interest for companies to foster new collaborations. The objective is to collect needs and open problems from industries and discuss the possible links.
9.00 – 9.15 Welcome from Organizers and brief introduction to the project
- 9.15 – 9.45 Experiences in MOBIDATALAB and AKKA | Thierry Chevallier (AKKA, France)
- 9.45 – 10.15 VesselAI – Enabling maritime digitalisation by extreme-scale analytics, AI and digital twins | Spiros Mouzakitis (NTUA, Greece)
- 10.15 – 10.45 Experiences in waterborne public transport in Venice | Gianluca Cuzzolin (ACTV Venice, Italy)
- 10.45 – 11-15 Coffee Break @ University Ca’ Foscari (main building)
- 11.45 – 12.15 The technology at the basis of the core business for BusForFun | Ruggero Maffei (BusForFun – Venice, Italy)
- 12.15 – 12.45 Experiences on Venice’s canals traffic | Gian Piero Anselmi (Mindicity – Casalmaggiore (CR), Italy)
13.00 – 14.00 LUNCH @ University Ca’ Foscari (main building)
- 14.00 – 14.15 MASTER – overview on the main results | Chiara Renso (CNR, project coordinator)
- 14.15 – 14.45 Multiple Aspect Trajectories: what they are | Chiara Renso (CNR) and Vania Bogorny (UFSC)
- 14.45 – 15.15 Multiple Aspect Trajectories: a case study on fishing vessels in the Northern Adriatic sea | Alessandra Raffaetà (UNIVE) and Giulia Rovinelli (UNIVE)
- 15.15 – 15.45 Mobility Data Analytics: Methodologies for Efficient Anomaly Detection and Trajectory Classification | Konstantinos Tserpes (HUA)
- 16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break @ University Ca’ Foscari (main building)
- 16.15 – 16.45 Analytics on multiple aspect trajectories | Nikos Pelekis (UPRC)
- 16.45 – 17.15 Future of the multiple aspect trajectories and privacy | Karine Zeitouni (UVSQ)
- 17.15 – 17.45 Lessons from Dagsthul: Mobility Data Analysis: from Technical to Ethical | Bettina Berendt (IEA of the project)
- 17.45 – 18.00 Final discussion and end of the workshop
20.00 Social dinner: Ristorante “La Terrazza” San Marco 4423 (Venice)