DSM Summer School in Santorini
During the week from October 3rd to October 7th 2022 we held the First International School on Data Science for Mobility, supported by MASTER. The program of the school included two keynote speakers, Prof. Goce Trajceski and Prof. George Vouros, the three mini courses on Big Data Analytics, Human Mobility Analysis and Deep Learning for mobility. A panel on emerging issues of mobility data concluded the scientific activities. We also organised three social events: the welcome cocktail, the sunset at Oia and the wine tasting experience. The full program is available at the school web site: http://master-school.isti.cnr.it We counted 49 participants coming from 10 countries in Europe and outside, many of them being PhD students. Participants enjoyed an interactive and informal atmosphere, having the opportunity to increase their skills…

Secondments of UNIVE to DAL
During the month of August researchers Alessandra Raffaetá and Marta Simeoni from UNIVE have been seconded to Dalhousie University in Halifax Canada. During the secondment UNIVE researchers worked with with Dr. Jay Kumar, post-PhD fellow at the Institute for Big Data Analytics. The main goal was to improve the results already obtained for the fishing effort forecast in the Northern Adriatic Sea. The area of the Northern Adriatic Sea is known to be intensively fished and the fishing effort is a key indicator for monitoring the fishing pressure on an area of interest over time. Hence, accurate fishing effort forecast could help in monitoring the fishing pressure at the basin level and in preventing overexploitation.

Secondment to PUC from CNR and UNIVE
In July and August 2022 four secondments took place at PUC in Rio de Janeiro: three secondment from CNR - Beatrice Rapisarda, Chiara Renso and Raffaele Perego - and one from UNIVE - Andrea Marin. We have discussed with Prof. Casanova hosting us tat the wonderful forest of the PUC premises about our current activities and specifically on RDF data and semantic enrichment.

Secondments of UVSQ and CNR to UFC started
The secondments from UVSQ and CNR to UFC started! Mohammad Abboud from UVSQ, Beatrice Rapisarda and Chiara Renso from CNR arrived in Fortaleza for their secondment at Federal University of Ceará hosted by Prof. Jose Antonio de Macedo.